If it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone. Despite a distinguished and highly successful career Ray Suarez, like many older workers are challenged to reinvent himself to earn an income.
You may recognize Ray as the former national correspondent for PBS NewsHour.
In this ProBoomer interview, Ray discusses the challenges in finding work he is imminently qualified for but challenged by a changing marketplace, the economics of the coronavirus pandemic, and yes, his age.
Ray also offers hard-learned insights on how to make this adjustment. Great advice for anyone facing the same challenges.
“I clung to the middle class as I aged. The pandemic pulled me under”, writes Suarez in a Washington Post article. He, like so many other “older” workers find themselves having to start over just when they thought they’d be at the pinnacle of their careers and preparing for a new stage of life.
Ray has been a reporter, program host, anchor, on television, radio, and in print. Washington-based since 1993, with significant national and international reporting experience. Along with his work in daily deadline journalism, he was busy as a lecturer, traveling throughout the United States and worldwide for public speaking. As he states on his LinkedIn profile he is #openforwork.
Contact Ray at linkedin.com/in/raysuareznews or raysuarez@starpower.net
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