Employment Realities & Opportunities for Older Workers

Older workers are likely to suffer the most when it comes to jobs with the dramatic long- and short-term employment challenges brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic. Former CEO and HR executive Bob Foley goes no-holds-barred laying out the reality but also worthy options for those who need an income and still want to work in this ProBoomer interview.

In order to find a job, adapt to the new employment realities or pursue other ways of earning an income, Bob’s insights will help you adopt and adapt to succeed as a Baby Boomer.

Contact Bob:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bob-foley-0343a21

Legacy Transitions Website: legacytransitions.org  

Other ProBoomer relevant interviews:

Work from Home: Tips, methods, mindset, jobs and how to get them 

BOOMcast” Ageism & Jobs: It’s up to Boomers to adapt and skill up

Boomers: How to prepare to get a Job & Income in a Pandemic Economy

Boomer Entrepreneurship Post-Pandemic – Something to Consider