Asking Yourself NOW WHAT?
(Life After 50 doesn’t have to suck)
Getting started with your new way forward: The first steps to getting on track
Helping you find your New Way Forward
Discover possibilities you never imagined
Find new ways to earn an income or get a job over 50
Overcome ageism
Having passion and purpose
Live a heathier life in mind, body and spirit
Avoid the downfalls of traditional retirement
Connect with and learn from experts and people like you
Transition and transform to the life you deserve
Make the years ahead your best
Don’t just survive. Thrive!
Watch the video and find out the best ways to make this site work for you to transition and transform to your New Way Forward.
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What you need to know... but probably didn’t know you need to know
Knowledge + Tools + Application = The best you and best life
Welcome to my new way forward.

“Now what?’
Several years ago, I uttered that question thousands of times (my wife too!).
I was going through a gargantuan transition and in gargantuan need of a transformation.
After raising two incredible sons and having two very successful careers as a television newsman and marketing content creator I found myself with zero desire to retire (aka withdraw from a fulfilling life) or the finances to even think about a comfortable retirement. I needed something amazing and fulfilling to pursue for this phase of my existence.
I needed answers, insights, tools, collaboration. I needed help.
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You have decades of healthy and energetic life left.
What are you going to do with it?