What is New Way Forward?
New Way Forward helps people in the second half of their life pivot, transition, and transform to launch themselves to a life that is more fulfilling and right for them.
In our youth, we learned. Think of early adulthood as our apprenticeship. Applying and trying what we learned in the real world.
Now it’s time to turn pro.
It’s your turn. Your turn to live the life you want and deserve.
From finding new and better ways to earn an income to being well in mind, body, and spirit, to having a life with purpose that you’re passionate about, New Way Forward launches you through the transition and transformation to make your years ahead your best.
Paul Long has spent the past 15 years researching, learning, applying, and connecting with a tribe of amazing thought leaders to provide you with methods and answers. Many of those thought leaders appear in New Way Forward.
Paul brings that knowledge, insight, new thinking, new tools, new methods, motivation, and validation to help you “graduate” to the life that’s right for you. The joy starts with the very first day you launch
Who is Paul Long?
New Way Forward is Paul Long’s life version 4.0.

Version 1.0
Youth and third generation storyteller. Grew up in the news business (father & grandfather).

Version 2.0
Award-winning major market television news reporter, anchor, weatherman and special projects producer.

Version 3.0
Emmy award winning Content Creator for www.paullongproductions.com. Created and produced just about every kind of film and video (short of a motion picture) you can think of for major companies. Emmy for Best Documentary A Passing of the Torch.

Version 4.0
New Way Forward is Paul’s new way forward. Bringing to bear all his experience, skill and talent as well as what he has learned himself and from thought leaders over the past 15 years on what it takes to live a life with joy, purpose, passion and income.
Paul lives with his college girlfriend/soul mate. Together they raised two exceptional sons.
My Story
(which is probably similar to your story)
“Now what?’
I started asking myself that question 15 years ago. All the time.
It became the most important question I had ever asked myself. Problem was, I had no answer.
After a successful career as a television newsman, I started my own business in 1989 creating, developing, producing, and directing thousands of videos along with major business theatre events for large corporations.
I did some amazing things. I worked with incredible people (even clients!). But it wasn’t right for me. It wasn’t me. I wasn’t satisfied or fulfilled by it.
It was 2006 when I started asking myself, “Now What?” The bottom had fallen out. A highly toxic business relationship had just about crushed me. I got out of it and restarted my old business only to have the great recession (depression) hit.
We were devastated financially. Once I started getting business again, I busted my butt for years to make up for the losses, put my two sons through college debt-free, re-roof the house, pay outlandish health insurance costs…you get the idea.
Once our boys graduated and headed out into the world, I really started seeking the answer to “Now What?” and my wife joined in.
I knew I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing (ageism was creeping in). I didn’t want to keep doing what I was doing. I wanted and needed what was right for me.
I wanted and needed a New Way Forward.
I needed to be passionate about it. I needed a fulfilling purpose. I needed to make an impact and signify. I needed to keep earning an income.
Fortunately, since 2006 I had begun the daily habit of doing yoga (stretching) every morning at home. As I did so I listened to thousands of videos, podcasts, and audiobooks about how to succeed at the important things in life. Overcoming ageism, how to succeed as an entrepreneur, how to achieve better mind, body, and spiritual health, how to have better habits, how to transition and transform your life, and dozens of other topics.
To date that’s 15+ years of researching, trying things myself and connecting with amazing people who are successful at what they do and have their own New Way Forward and great life.
I also learn about what people my age were doing. Some were retiring and were starting to hate it because they had no purpose and weren’t relevant anymore. Others couldn’t afford to pay for their extended lifespan.
On the other hand, more and more people were turning this “older” phase of life into the best years of their lives. They decided now is the time to make it ‘My Turn” and do what is true for them to be fulfilled, happy and prosperous in a multitude of ways.
This is a MEGA TREND that few really know about.
For instance, I discovered that Baby Boomers were outpacing Millennials by a 2 to 1 margin in the number of startups in the U.S. every year with vastly higher rates of success. Others were changing careers to something more fulfilling and right for them while overcoming ageism in the process.
There are incalculable ways people are taking “My Turn” and turning their lives into something amazing.
So, I launched ProBoomer.com to help Boomers make a better choice by showing them the disturbing trends in modern-day retirement (spiking rates of alcoholism, drug abuse, divorce, depression, suicide, and financial despair) and instead offering ways to make the years ahead the very best by transforming themselves and their life.
Funny thing though, I found most of my audience weren’t just Boomers. Most were GenXer’s and even older millennials. All of them of all ages were people who wanted more than living the default life. They desperately wanted more relevance and meaning in their future.
I listened and I have now I transformed ProBoomer into New Way Forward to meet these needs.
With that, I finally had my answer to my “Now What?”.
My New Way Forward is to provide the very same kind of help I needed (and took over a decade to find) to others in an easier way and shorter timespan.
It’s interesting. My father who was a radio newsman and my grandfather who was in newspapers at the beginning and end of his adult life told me that one of the greatest joys was telling a story people needed to hear but didn’t know they needed to hear. To achieve the ultimate goal of a journalist/storyteller is to have a positive impact. That by telling those stories others are served.
I have known that feeling and I know it even better now because with every blog, interview, podcast, vodcast and social media post I do, I know I am sharing insights, methods, knowledge, and encouragement that will help you find and succeed at your New Way Forward.
My New Way Forward is to help, encourage, inform and provide the methods and ideas to help your launch your New Way Forward to make the years ahead your best and my best right along with you.
Welcome to my New Way Forward which is the most fulfilling career thing I have ever done. I love it! I will do all I can to help you Launch Yourself into amazing New Way Forward and make the years ahead your best.